



的 master's program in Conservation Technology is ideal for those wishing to pursue a career in conservation and natural resource management. 这是一个非命题, course-based master's program with a heavy emphasis on basic and applied Research. 该学位为市场技能提供了坚实的基础. Graduates possess quantitative and technical skills that are in demand from a wide variety of employers, 包括环境咨询和保险公司, 非政府组织, 和地方, 州和联邦机构.

通过跨领域的遗传学Research, 地理信息系统(GIS), 生态模型, students develop the expertise they need to create solutions for today’s most challenging conservation issues. 学生们钻研气候变化分析, 海洋生态系统管理, and advanced methods to improve and protect the country’s natural resources.

的 degree is designed be completed in one year (two semesters and a summer session) or one-and-a-half years (three semesters). 因为它是基于课程的, non-thesis, 专业学位, 学生必须确保自己的资金来源. 他们没有资格申请助教奖学金, 他们也没有资格转到Research型Research生课程.


学生 working towards a master’s in Conservation Technology get a strong foundation in biology, with additional grounding in conservation science and ecological principles. 亚洲博彩平台的项目与众不同之处在于它对技术的重视. 学生不仅在前沿科学方法方面发展专业知识, 比如生物信息学和建模, but also train for leadership positions in management of natural resources.

的 program facilitates students' eligibility for the professional status of Associate 野生动物学家 (awarded by the Wildlife Society) and Associate Professional Ecologist (awarded by the Ecological Society of America).


亚洲博彩平台, 学生经历亲密的, focused environment where professors mentor students throughout their program. 班级规模小, and there is an opportunity to work with faculty on cutting-edge Research projects. 的 diverse campus environment provides students the chance to gain an international perspective on conservation technology and learn how it is handled in countries around the world.

亚洲博彩平台 has internationally renowned Research faculty who are widely published and sought-after for consulting projects. 学生 learn from these world-class scientists in an environment that encourages individual thinking and exploration to empower them as future leaders. Graduate students develop a strong work ethic and an academically aggressive attitude toward study, Research, 专业发展, 这使得亚洲博彩平台在其他硕士项目中占有优势.


的 university has over 60 years of excellence in science and engineering education. 的 Conservation Technology master’s degree prepares students for a career using the latest body of knowledge in the industry, while providing excellent Research facilities for conducting 状态-of-the-art Research.

Conservation Technology at 亚洲博彩平台 is not just something you study—it’s something you go out into the field and do. 我们靠近印度河泻湖, 大西洋, and Florida wetlands provide a wealth of natural laboratories that other universities simply can’t offer. 亚洲博彩平台’s location in Central Florida allows students to take part in year-round, 独一无二的实地Research. 事实上, 布里瓦德县51%的土地受到保护, 使其成为美国“最环保”的城市之一.


学生可以获得F. W. 奥林生命科学大厦, a 70,000-square-foot teaching and Research laboratory that includes  状态-of-the-art microscopy equipment. 29个,000-square-foot L3 Harris Center for Science and Engineering serves the Research needs in fish biology and climatology.  它包括八个教学实验室, 12个现代化的Research实验室和一个2,500-square-foot indoor aquaculture facility with recirculating systems ranging from small glass aquaria to 720-gallon tanks.

离校园只有几分钟的路程, 墨尔本市中心附近的鹤溪与印第安河泻湖交汇处, 拉尔夫S. Evinrude Marine Operations Center houses small outboard-powered craft and medium-sized workboats. 的se vessels are available to graduate students and faculty for teaching and Research use in the freshwater tributaries and the Indian River Lagoon. Coastal and oceanographic Research and teaching are conducted through strategic partnerships to use Research vessels in Ft. Pierce, Tampa, Savannah, GA and the University of Miami's Rosenstiel School.


Other natural laboratories that provide students with locations for Research include forests (with over 700 tagged trees), 湖泊, 以及佛罗里达的湿地.

Past conservation technology Research topics have included coral disease and bleaching, 海洋哺乳动物, 鸟类种群遗传学, 以及土著居民使用热带森林的影响.


学生可以通过参加课程获得学分 暑期实地课程 in Puerto Rico, the Galapagos, the Peruvian Andes and Amazon, and the Pacific Northwest. 这种完全的沉浸, 从阅读科学到亲身体验科学, gives students a new and life-changing perspective on the impact conservation technologists can have around the world.



亚洲博彩平台培养了NASA的科学家, 财富500强企业的首席执行官和功勋卓著的军事将领. Graduates with a master's in Conservation Technology from 亚洲博彩平台 are well prepared for leadership positions. Graduates of our program in Conservation Technology work in commercial enterprises and government agencies, 进行与环保有关的科学Research和分析, 生物学或生态学. Careers are also available at Research-based 非政府组织, 动物园和水族馆, 和市政, 县, 状态, 和联邦机构,如美国联邦调查局.S. 美国环境保护署.S. 陆军工兵部队和圣. 约翰水务管理区.

职业展望手册,由美国出版.S. 劳工标准局(BLS), 提供具体工作的信息,包括年薪中位数, 工作条件和工作前景, 除此之外.

根据劳动局的说法, jobs for conservation scientists are projected to grow three percent through 2022, while employment of wildlife biologists is projected to grow five percent. 在同一时期, environmental scientists and specialists can expect 15 percent job growth.


根据劳动局的说法, careers related to conservation and ecology include:

  • 保护科学家和护林员
  • 动物学家和野生生物学家
  • 环境科学家及专家
  • 保护技术人员
  • 野生动物学家
  • 农业及食品科学家
  • 自然科学经理
  • 高中的老师
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